WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, VK and Avito in Bitrix24
An integration built to refine communication, improve productivity and drive customer engagement.
Ziwo is the leading Cloud Contact Center Solution in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). We help successful companies to reach their customers from anywhere with a single interface that brings value in your conversations.
Analyze tasks in terms of completed task deadlines and tasks returned for revision
Create public links that can be used in your email signatures or WhatsApp or email automations for free.
This is an application that replaces a live consultant for your business. It works without templates and the “robot” effect
Integrating ChatGPT assistant bot. Take Control of GPT! Stop overspending on bot responses. For each response (up to 750 words) will only cost you $0.000600! Responds to text and audio. Also interacts with your CRM with your own automations
The UniTalk platform is a set of business tools designed to simplify communication with customers, increase the number of calls from the website, reduce advertising costs, and automate business processes in the sales department
Send invoices to tax authorities using the DDD Invoices and Bitrix24 integration.
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