线索生成 销售脚本 呼叫处理 CRM详细信息 财务 产品 活动和预订 客户忠诚度 付款系统 货币汇率 配送 自动化 报告 垂直解决方案 杂项



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Fale Fácil VoIP Mobile 免费

Make calls to numbers in Brazil and more than 60 countries from your Bitrix24 through our integration with full registration associated with the card and call recording.

[ADIGITRANS] Zalo OA for Bitrix24 免费

The Zalo OA integration application with Bitrix24 helps your system connect directly and unlimitedly with business Zalo OA accounts. In particular, this application allows seamless integration with CRM, Tasks, websites and automation to automate the entire operating process of the system.

BotSL AI 免费

Integrating ChatGPT assistant bot. Take Control of GPT! Stop overspending on bot responses.Responds to text, audio and images. Also interacts with your CRM with your own automations

Edward. CRM assistant 免费

Work more effectively and grow your profit with Edward

PayU Integration 免费

PayU and Bitrix24.CRM integration application for collecting payments and paying invoices easily. Start your free 14-day trial period.

Shipper 免费

Create parcels directly in CRM and Track the status of parcels from popular services directly in CRM

Expenses 免费

The Expenses app is designed to track expenses incurred by your employees in Bitrix24

Calculator in Deals 免费

Module for Deals in Bitrix24 that manages all product costs considering different currencies, while the calculator automatically calculates the marginality of the Deal.

Smart Finance scripts 免费

SMART FINANCE scripts allow recording and saving income and expenses in Bitrix24 deals . You can also calculate the balance and expenses spent on the deal. In addition, it shows the deal's MARGIN.

Extractor 免费


Zalo OA Integration with Bitrix 免费

Zalo OA Integration with Bitrix CRM - Lead Generation

Public Links 免费

Create public links that can be used in your email signatures or WhatsApp or email automations for free.

Deal analytics summary 免费

Analyze deal data for the required time period. Identify the most efficient customer handling scenarios as well as tight spots that may need improvement.

Payment Calendar 免费

Your sales managers do not have to fill in any additional fields to get sales analyzed by the Payment Calendar. All analytics is based on already existing CRM invoice data.

KPI – Company Efficiency 免费

The KPI application helps to plan key performance indicators, observe the situation regarding implementation of the plan in real time, calculate bonuses e.t.c.!

Stripe Integration 免费

The integration lets your customers pay you via Stripe

Leads 免费

Leads as Google Looker Studio data source

Telephony calls 免费

Telephony calls as PowerBI data source

Deals 免费

Deals as PowerBI data source

Basic report on leads 免费

Analysis by status, conversion by source, responsible employee and and utm-tags
