ChatApp for WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber

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ChatApp for WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber communication

ChatApp is a platform for communication in messengers and social networks. Connect with customers directly fr om CRM. The correspondence will be saved in the system. Add bots to your dialogues by creating them in the ChatApp Builder. Integration setup will take 15 minutes!

ChatApp supports the following channels: WhatsApp (regular and official), Telegram, Telegram bot, VKontakte, Viber, Avito, Instagram, and even Email.

We offer the best tools:

  • Communication: start conversations first in all messengers fr om a single browser window or mobile application, wh ere you will see all inquiries simultaneously.
  • Smart mailing: reduce the risk of blocking when automatically mass messaging customers through messengers using ChatApp tools.
  • Service uniformity: gather a database of typical responses for employees, reducing time on routine tasks.
  • AI: ChatGPT will answer common questions in chats or find information for operators, reduce peak loads, and handle frequent requests.
  • Widget: different communication ways are combined into one element on your website for effective communication through messengers, social networks, and email. The widget will track UTM tags to determine wh ere the lead came from.
  • Parser: collect user information from Telegram channels or competitors' groups to expand the customer base and send newsletters.
  • Lead scanner: track interest in your products and services using bots based on keywords, thereby expanding the database of potential leads.

You can view the tariffs here.

版本 12
Embedded the message sending window into the call window

版本 11
Embedding in BitrixMobile.

版本 10
Import users into the ChatApp cabinet to synchronize Bitrix 24 and ChatApp users.

版本 9
Creating tasks in CRM from WEB chat dialogs

版本 8

  • A Viber connector has been added;
  • Chats displays messenger and message source:
Sent from ChatApp WEB;
Sent from ChatApp mobile app;
Sent from CRM;
Sent from personal cabinet;
Sent from external application (API);
Sent from messenger;
  • Duplicate message filter and more.

版本 7
Robots for personal Telegram
WhatsApp Business API

版本 6
Synchronization of personal Telegram with Bitrix24

版本 5
Performance, fault tolerance

版本 4
SMS provider for mass sending of WhatsApp messages to your clients.
WhatsApp groups in Bitrix24 Open Channels.

Technical support works seven days a week:
Watch video instructions

  1. Sign up for a ChatApp account and try a free demo license;

  2. Link web WhatsApp to integration;

  3. Link your personal Telegram to integration;

  4. Install the application in Bitrix24;

  5. Connect the channels to the open line;

  6. Set up an open line, add those responsible, see video;

  7. Start a conversation with your CRM customer.